"Queendom 2" - Episode 2 Review

The first round wraps up in the second episode of Mnet's "Queendom 2"!

The conclusion to the first round, including four more amazing performances from Kep1er, Brave Girls, WJSN, and Loona.

Over the course of the series, we here at KpopWise will take you through a recap and review of each episode of the series. So read on for more!

Check out last week's article to find out how "Queendom 2" works and the competing teams, and our recap of the first episode.

Episode 2 Recap

With another two hour episode ahead of us, there's a lot to recap in the second episode of "Queendom 2".

The previous episode saw each of the teams meet each other, and both VIVIZ and Hyolyn showcase their performances. And this episode starts off with Mnet's signature editing style trying to cause a war between the six fandoms.

But, how did the episode go otherwise?

The stages

Kep1er opens the second episode as the third competing group of the first round. Their signature song performance was of their debut track, "WA DA DA". As Kep1er only made their debut just a few months ago, this marks the first time that the group had ever performed in front of an audience.

Brave Girls followed, being the fourth performance to be staged, with a remix of their viral song "Rollin'" and follow-up hit "Chi Mat Ba Ram".

The girls hadn't originally wanted to perform their viral hit, but were unable to deny that it was their single most famous song and had become their signature.

The final competing performance of the first round was WJSN, who ultimately decided to perform their song "As You Wish". Member Eunseo tested positive for COVID-19 a week before the competition, but the group was still able to make use of her vocals.

Their stage was unfortunately missing a major part of its performance value, with their prop hourglass breaking and shattering at the very beginning, leading members to be unable to perform certain moves and worrying about slipping on the sand that had fallen out.

At the end of the show, after an expression of interest from host Taeyeon and the agreement of their fellow competitors, LOONA was able to stage their performance (appearing to be filmed during the show's second round due to the stage) of "PTT (Paint The Town)".

The results

The results came out in three distinct parts, with a total score, so how did everyone do?

Self-evaluation (1,000 points)

Each of the teams had to select someone they thought did better than them, and someone they thought did worse than them. After these results were revealed, the total score was revealed as well.

The result of the self-evaluation portion of the vote went as follows:

  1. Hyolyn - 1,000 points
  2. Brave Girls - 834 points
  3. WJSN - 667 points
  4. Kep1er - 667 points
  5. VIVIZ - 334 points
  6. LOONA - N/A

Global audience votes (3,000 points)

A special international audience from more than 70 countries around the world were able to see the live performances and voted, and their results came in as follows:

  1. Hyolyn - 3,000 points
  2. WJSN - 2,611 points
  3. VIVIZ - 2,192 points
  4. Kep1er - 1,861 points
  5. Brave Girls - 1,247 points
  6. LOONA - N/A

Live audience votes (6,000 points)

Then, of course, there's the votes from the live, in-person audience, accounting for 60% of the total score. Here's how those results came looked for the teams:

  1. Hyolyn - 6,000 points
  2. WJSN - 3,863 points
  3. VIVIZ - 3,311 points
  4. Kep1er - 2,173 points
  5. Brave Girls - 2,035 points
  6. LOONA - N/A

Total score (10,000 points)

These three scores combined lead to a total possible score of 10,000 points. Here's how the final scoreboard was shown:

  1. Hyolyn - 10,000 points
  2. WJSN - 7,141 points
  3. VIVIZ - 5,837 points
  4. Kep1er - 4,701 points
  5. Brave Girls - 4,116 points
  6. LOONA - N/A

As a result, Hyolyn won the highest possible score of 10,000 points, winning the first round, while absent due to COVID team LOONA received a score of 0, becoming the first team to place sixth. Should they place sixth next round, they face elimination.

The second round

The episode ended with the groups being allowed to choose who would be their rivals in the second round of the competition, which would allow each team to select who they would face off against in a cover stage performance.

Hyolyn, as the winner of the first round of the competition, was allowed to choose her competitor first. Although she spent a lot of time walking around and considering everyone - even having Kep1er convinced they would be the chosen ones - she chose to face off against the absent team of LOONA.

Second-place WJSN chose that they would face off against the trio experienced rookie team VIVIZ, leaving Kep1er and Brave Girls with no choice but to face off against each other in the second round.

Have you watched episode two of "Queendom 2"? Which performance did you enjoy most - Kep1er, Brave Girls, WJSN, or LOONA? Let us know by commenting on our socials @KpopWise.

Ford Carter

Ford Carter is an online blogger studying journalism who's hundreds of articles across half a dozen fansites from the music and television industries have now been read more than 300,000 times. From his home in regional Australia, you'll often find him binging kdramas or rewatching old editions of the Eurovision Song Contest.

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