VeeAlwaysHere Releases EP ego: playlist I

The Producer and Songwriter VeeAlwaysHere has released his 88-track EP ego: playlist I on September 30. The album includes the song "right now" where VeeAlwaysHere explores his roots and artistry by singing in Korean for the first time. Check it out in the EP here! 

About the EP VeeAlwaysHere states; 
Not only did I want to let go of my usual writing and producing habits, but also sounds, subject matter and styles that I generally gravitate towards in my process. This project is all about me being entirely outside of my comfort zone, and the title EGO symbolizes the idea of me being comfortable in a variety of different genres as a musician. EGO is about the music artist that I want to be and have always envisioned myself being one day.


More About ego: playlist I 

“right now (feat. jujuland)” – this song is about wanting clarity from your partner or romantic interest. I’m encouraging her to tell me exactly how she feels about me, because I just can’t wait anymore. Even though I’ve been badly burnt before, I’m willing to fearlessly dive into it because that’s just how special she is to me. 

It was so risky and scary to go and explore my roots and sing in Korean for the first time ever in my life. Out of all the “uncomfortable” songs on the project, this one was the most uncomfortable of them all. I wasn’t fortunate enough to be raised speaking Korean, so I only started learning it recently and I’m not good at all at the moment, but the fact that I still decided to make a song like this just makes me really proud of it!


“ego (feat. ian360)” – this song is one of the possible outcomes of “right now”. She failed to provide me with a clear answer and her feelings for me still remain a mystery. I’m tired and I don’t know what to do, but I’m still not ready to leave just yet. This song is the ultimate expression of that frustration.

"other side" - Is inspired by the likes of throwback Harry Styles and The Weeknd, most simply put, “other side” is a song meant for all the hopeless romantics.

“This song is telling a similar story to a few animes that I’ve watched recently. It’s a story we’ve all heard before, but they always seem to bring me joy as a viewer and a hopeless romantic myself. The story of a socially awkward character who falls in love with the “popular” girl, and over time she sees something great in him and they fall in love.”


VeeAlwaysHere continues

"other side," for me, symbolizes this completely different life she is living, a whole different world. And while I know we're not meant to be together, I believe in this tropey happy ending and I'm already "packing my bags" to go move to that "other side" and do my best to fit in just to be with her.

About VeeAlwaysHere 

Hailing from Siberian Russia, VeeAlwaysHere always had a great passion for music, and a heavy influence from American Pop music. The ability to tell a story in its most vulnerable and raw way moved him despite the heavy language barrier. As a child, VeeAlwaysHere pushed through the language barrier to write songs, however because he couldn’t speak English - they were initially just gibberish. While having mastered the English language in a mere 2 and a half years, VeeAlwaysHere is now a self-taught musician who handles his production, writing, recording and mixing.

VeeAlwaysHere stated about his creative process 

From start to finish the entire song is my fingerprint all throughout. I really like to focus on an emotion or a feeling as a starting point of any record.

Follow VeeAlwaysHere @veealwayshere

Ciera Reeves

Ciera is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of KpopWise. She has been a fan of Korean pop culture since 2005 and writing about it since 2009. Her bias groups are VIXX and OnlyOneOf. She is a 2nd-3rd generation K-pop fan, but she is actively keeping up with the current artists. twitter instagram

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