Why Southern K-pop Fans Believe K-pop is "Always Worth It"


Money spent, travel plans, and minimal interaction; why would we enjoy that? 

K-pop is a staple in western states now and fortunately, many fans are lucky enough to actually see, cheer on and cry over their favorites in person. However, some states are still invisible to Korean management companies as they are smaller or may not generate enough attraction. So why do fans in these states still put their time and money into K-pop groups? Well, it's the experience that makes it all worth it. 

Specifically targeting southern states, most of these fans never regret getting into K-pop. The people you meet, the music you love, and the creative outlet are just some reasons Kpop has a hold over said fans. 

“Honestly doing anything in certain states in the south is hard! Kpop- though for me personally is so much more than music and idols. It’s a safe space where I can be myself. The feeling alone that I get from it makes everything worth it, especially spending all my money with little to no interactions with my faves.” - Cheyenne, (Memphis, TN)

An example of this love is the group  "Mississippi Kpop Club." This is a social organization that brings fans in Mississippi and surrounding areas together for events, concerts, trips, and to just enjoy the company of people with similar interests. Mississippi and other states like Tennessee can be in a bit of a K-pop drought so this type of group helps fans connect with people who can seem nonexistent. When asked why they take the time to do this even though it seemed like there weren't many Mississippi fans, they replied: 

"To bring us together as one.No matter if one person stans boy groups and the other stans girl groups we all have and love the same interests. So we should support each other and support K-pop as a family." - Mississippi Kpop Club

Overall, the passion that these fans show is genuine, proven by the pure love they give to idols despite the minimal interaction. This also conveys the reach Korean entertainment has in the west, making the diversity in fans not only range in race and nationally but also in communities and regions. 

So if you ever wonder why we southern fans scream loud at the concerts, have the biggest collections (and are always happily broke), remember that K-pop is more than music and always worth it. 

You can follow and support Mississippi Kpop Club on Instagram at: https://instagram.com/kpopin_ms?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Please continue to check KpopWise regularly for all things Korean entertainment!

Deshalia M.

Deshalia has been a lover of writing her whole life. She found K-pop in 2018 and has been addicted (in a good way) ever since. With a passion to combine her two interests together she enjoys writing and editing in Korean media. English graduate and avid Kpop collector, she's a multi but her ult groups are P1harmony, Stray Kids, Ateez and Nct. If you mention her ult biases Keeho, Haechan or Hyunjin she'll never shut up!

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