[Photo Gallery] Reason: Makes DREAMCATCHER 2023 Tour in Atlanta and New York

Girl group DREAMCATCHER embarked on their 3rd US tour Reason: Makes Dreamcatcher 2023, kicking off in Atlanta GA on February 28 at Coca-Cola Roxy. KpopWise captured the stunning performances by the ladies. Check out the gallery here! 


On March 4, Dreamcatcher brought the tour to New York City at the Hulu Theater. Check out shots from the show here. 

New York

Dreamcatcher finishes up the US tour today March 20, in Los Angeles at the Hollywood Palladium. 

More concert coverage coming soon! 

Did you attend any of Dreamcatcher's shows? Let us know @KpopWise! 

Ciera Reeves

Ciera is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of KpopWise. She has been a fan of Korean pop culture since 2005 and writing about it since 2009. Her bias groups are VIXX and OnlyOneOf. She is a 2nd-3rd generation K-pop fan, but she is actively keeping up with the current artists. twitter instagram

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