[Concert Review] From Non fan to lyOn. OnlyOneOf Concert in Atlanta

       OnlyOneOf took the stage in Atlanta, Georgia, on April 6th, and I didn't know what to expect. I walked in as a casual listener and left a lyOn {their fandom name}.

    In 2020, a little after their debut, I was introduced to OnlyOneOf, but I still needed to become more familiar with them. The first song I heard by them was "Savanna." After listening, it wasn't my style, but I was open to listening to more comebacks. 2020 was only my second year in Kpop, so I was still determining what to expect from the musical genre. As time passed, I found myself casually listening to their music. Fast forward to 2023, OnlyOneOf was officially going on their first world tour. I debated whether I should attend, but after talking with friends, I decided to participate in their first US tour. 

And JESUS, I'm glad I went!

     Days before the concert, I would listen to their setlist and knew three songs, but I wanted to be more familiar with the rest. The Day of the show was exciting because when I arrived at the venue, it was FULL of lyOns. The line was super long, and fans were passing out freebies, dancing, and socializing with each other. After waiting for a while, it was finally time to go inside. Once inside, you could feel the excitement from lyOns. Once OnlyOneOf hit the stage, my jaw was on the ground.


     Photo cr. STUDIO PAV on INSTAGRAM

     Electrifying performances left and right! I didn't know where to keep my eyes. The energy from the boys and the fans were spectacular. They were feeding off each other's energy. One of the many highlights was during their ments when they started playing charades. {different from many concerts I've been to} I've never seen anyone play games on stage. It was amusing and exciting to watch. I got a feel for their personality. The most significant way to get me to stan is if the group has personality. 

     April 6th was the birthday of member Junji. The staff bought a cake, and we sang happy birthday. An emotional moment made Junji cry, but in his words, "My eyes are sweating ."Very special to witness them perform live while celebrating Junji's birthday. You could tell they worked hard to get to the place they're at now. You could see how appreciative they were toward their fans. They looked delighted the entire concert. Love was definitely in their eyes. As the night's final performance came, the members said their goodbyes, and before I knew it, the concert was over. 

            Photo Cr. STUDIO PAV on INSTAGRAM

      Although the concert was over, fan engagement was beginning. At the end of the shows, you can take a Polaroid with any member of your choosing. I had a picture with members KB and YooJung, which was nerve-wracking. Even though I wasn't a big fan {going into the concert}, I still knew about the members and eventually became a fan. The whole picture-taking process was so moving. Everyone was happy, asking if they could see each other's picture.


    In the end, I found myself watching videos on their youtube channel, reading facts online, and following them on their social accounts. I can now say I'm on the road to becoming a lyOn. I'm so glad I decided to watch them live. I owe a big thanks to my friend who showed me them back in 2020. If you're stuck about seeing a group you don't stan, go anyway. You never know what can happen!

    Be sure to keep up with KpopWise for more updates.

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