[Exclusive Interview] Up and Coming Singer Lyv Marz Discusses Kpop and More


Laura, also known as Lyv Marz, is an up and coming Colombian born singer. Inspired by artists like Aespa, Bibi, Melanie Martinez, and Lana Del Rey, Lyv's music blends dreamy pop melodies with Korean cultural influences.

Lyv first started her solo career in 2018, and has since released two EP’s. She is currently working on her debut album, set to be released later this year.

Despite the challenges as a new artist, Lyv aspires to one day become an international superstar, open a show for BLACKPINK, master singing and dancing, and become fluent in Korean.

I recently had a conversation with Lyv for KpopWise, where we delved into various aspects of the music world.

Can you tell us about your journey as a pop artist and how you got the name "Lyv Marz"?  

The name Lyv Marz comes from Liv Tyler, Steven Tyler's (Aerosmith) daughter, and Marz because my YouTube channel and Spotify account were officially launched in the month of March, which made me feel connected to my roots. My journey as a pop artist began empirically, driven by passion. I gradually became more and more passionate, saving from my video editing work to fund my music production career. Along the way, I had the support of “Ironicca Studios”, who discovered me and helped me during my early stages of creating music.

What inspires you to create your unique blend of dreamy pop melodies and Korean cultural influences in your music? 

My inspiration comes from my love for all things related to pop culture, particularly sub-genres like Dream pop and initial K-pop influences. When I step into the studio, I connect with the synthesizers that dominate, and from there, I start to flow. It's a safe space where I can express myself freely, whether it's something cute and pink (which I usually feel shy about) or even something dark, something I might not like about myself. K-pop has taught me to be bold and confident, so I take the best of that and transform it into my own identity.

How do you adapt your performances to different settings and audiences? 

Being an independent artist has turned me into a chameleon. I've had to adapt to various venues and timelines. In my country, it's challenging to be taken seriously as a solo pop artist, except for spaces like “Hallyu Colombia”. This year, I had the opportunity to perform there in a theater with a dressing room (my first time having one!). During that performance, I could sing and dance with a track, utilizing the stage to its fullest. Otherwise, I've explored different formats, from performing with a band to acoustic sets. I like doing all of this, I feel as it gives me experience and it’s like a field full of challenges to tell myself: “Lyv, You can be versatile!”

Can you share some details about your upcoming debut album and what we can expect from it? 

My debut album, finally! I've invested a lot of time and effort into this. I'm excited about the upcoming releases and collaborations. I'm working with producers from Peru and a singer from Japan. There's also a song where I start writing expressions of love in Korean. Musically, I'm exploring my dream-pop sound with K-pop influences while infusing a Colombian touch—a sound that we, as Latins are known for internationally. I'm having a lot of fun with this creative phase, being myself in ways I didn't know were possible.

How did you discover your love for composing music, and what is your creative process like? 

I realized I enjoyed composing when I couldn't stop imagining my songs. After studying music production, I learned how to turn these ideas into projects. The creative process started making more sense and I found myself constantly creating. When I finish a song, it's still a surprising and satisfying experience, one I hope to continue indefinitely. My creative process is quite intricate. Once I connect with the emotion I want to convey, I begin composing from the ukelele or any foundational element to start writing the lyrics of my songs. Afterward, I head to the recording studio, which is about a three-hour journey from my home. Once the recording is done, we delve into the mixing process, which is also highly creative. Once we have the final mastering, we start scheduling a new release—arranging for music videos, rehearsing dances, getting costumes made (a friend of mine named Ume helps with this). Now that I think about it, it might sound complex, but I genuinely love doing all of this 

Tell us about the critical acclaim you received for your recent releases "Basic," "Un, Dos, Tres," and "Odio Al Tiempo."  

Wow! Thank you for the compliments! Talking about this still feels incredible. "Basic" emerged after an incident of image plagiarism, and I received a lot of support that motivated me to keep going. "Un, Dos, Tres" resonated with Crybabies (Melanie Martinez fans), surprising me since she's an icon for me. "Odio Al Tiempo" is a song that blends ukelele rhythms into a bossa-nova-pop fusion with a nostalgic touch—one of my favorites, and it seems Lyvers loved it too.

How do you believe your unique sound and style will resonate with international audiences? 

I think it'll be like what's been happening on my social media—a captivating and innovative blend of Spanish lyrics with K-pop and dream pop influences. I hope it's well-received and opens more doors for me, like performing at festivals and taking my music to other countries. Hopefully, someday that dream will come true.

Can you describe the impact of artists like Aespa, Bibi, Melanie Martinez, and Lana Del Rey on your music and artistic journey? 

I love this question! Well, there's a mix of artists many of us have in our playlists, whose voices have accompanied me and made me feel understood:

Aespa's Savage ERA influenced "Basic," reminding me to be proud of myself no matter how wild I feel. • Melanie represents a blend of light and darkness; her deep lyrics resonate with me. 

Lana Del Rey is like a timeless '50s rockstar with a soft yet dark voice—a style I adore.

 • Bibi, like the others, breaks the rules, speaks her mind, and goes after what she wants. Her music inspires me too. All these artists are significant to me.

What led you to include Korean influences in your music, and how do you plan to explore this aspect further? 

When I began incorporating these influences, it happened naturally. I realized my music aligned with my K-pop playlists. I plan to continue exploring this aspect, infusing it into my debut album. I'm also incorporating more dancing into my performances, which adds an intriguing layer to my compositions. 

How has your dedication to completing a Korean language course enhanced your connection to your artistic vision? 

I've been taking Korean classes for around two months. It's been quite a challenge. This experience connects me with a part of myself that's always open to learning new things, projecting forward. It's been incredibly motivating. My music is beginning to incorporate phrases and expressions from the language. I'm also starting to grasp the world of K-pop better, which makes me dream of one day being able to go there and share my music. Besides, it's a beautiful language, so I'm thrilled to know that my songs have a blend of my roots, Spanish, and combine them with Korean.

If given the opportunity, how would opening a concert for Black Pink be a milestone in your career, and what would it mean to you? 

If this ever happens, it would be a dream come true. I imagine meeting the members, opening for them—it's Black Pink, after all! At first, I might be nervous because, well, it's Black Pink! But I'd also have a spark, a unique energy to present myself that day. I'd be incredibly motivated. Afterward, I'd want people to know that a local artist, a dreamer, opened for these iconic girls of our time.

Message from Lyv:

LASTLY… I'm immensely grateful for this enriching conversation. Your questions illuminated my journey and aspirations. To readers, your support is my driving force. Embark on this musical journey with me, exploring dreamy melodies and cultural blends. More releases and collaborations await, so let's create magic together. Thank you for your time; let's keep the music and dreams alive. 

Warmly, Lyv Marz 


Thank you to Lyv for the interview.

You can follow her on social media:


Don't forget to listen to her music on Spotify: 

What do you think of Lyv Marz’s music? Let us know in the comments. Be sure to come back to KpopWise often to catch up on the latest in Kpop news.


Karly B

Karly is a USA-based Entertainment journalist. An ardent K-Pop fan, her favorite groups are BLACKSWAN and SUPERM and her bias’ are NVee and Kai.

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