Band Class #7: EighteenApril

Welcome back to Band Class, a series where I aim to help international Korean music fans find their next favorite Korean band. Last time we met, JYP Entertainment's latest band, Xdinary Heroes

This week we'll meet EighteenApril. EighteenApril is a five-member band that formed in 2011. According to the members their name comes from a clothes shop that was close to two of the member's college dorms. They wanted to form a band with a cool name but struggled until they spotted the clothes store coming back from a night of drinking. 

Meet Eighteen April: 

Hobbies: Working out and video games

Hyunsoo Kim
Hobby: Golf

Jaebok Lee
Hobby: Rock climbing

Hobbies: Watching movies

Bass, Vocals
Hobbies: Video games

Eighteen April describes their music as a mix of deathcore and metalcore but they say they try not to limit themselves. Currently, the band is working on recording singles and a full-length album, so make sure you follow their social media accounts when you're done here. 

Follow EighteenApril: 


Beau is an underrated boy group and K-band enthusiast, and has been a K-music fan since 2015. You can find him on Twitter hyping his faves including their K-music ults Taewoon, Wonho, & VOID as well as a few of their fave J-bands like Leetspeak Monsters and Grimoire. Beau spends his non K-music related free time learning about history, theology, true crime and playing whatever game catches his attention at the moment.

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